Desires and Resolutions of the Clubmen 1645
The Third Sort, Greater in Fortune and in Number
At Badbury Rings on the 25th May 1645 "The Desires and Resolutions" by the Clubmen of the Counties of Dorset and Wiltshire was read out by Thomas Young. Up to 4000 gathered to hear a declaration written to both King and Parliament stating their grievances and demands, to bring peace back to their communities from a horror being enforced upon them by both sides in the civil war.
Extract of letter from Sir T. Fairfax, giving an account of the Club-men in Wilts and Dorset, with reference to the White Ribbon.
Blandford, July, 3d 1645, 7 in the Morning.
"Tho. Fairefax."
"For Distinction of themselves from other Men, they wear White Ribbon, to shew, as they say, their Desires of Peace. They meet with Drums, flying Colours, and for Arms they have Muskets"
Satirical ballad the 'The Devonshire Ditty,' A view on where both sides of the English Revolution were seen as in cahoots. Pic Badbury Rings, Where the Clubmen Desires and Resolutions declaration was read by a Thomas Young, 1645. Also as The Western Husbandman's Lamentation 1645

Appealing to Our Ancient Laws and Liberties, feeling threatened by soldiery on both sides

“If you offer to plunder or steal our cattle, be assured we will bid you battle”

Stewart MacArthur Artist behind the Clubmen 1645 Sketch book.

Thomas Young, The Great Orator Who Spoke At Badbury.

The Desires And Resolutions declaration in part ,as read out by Lawyer, Thomas Young at Badbury Rings 1645
The Gathering
Sussex Clubmen Petition September 1645