A report in the Mercurius Veridicus 18th-25th October 1645 reads.
"Colonel Morgan and the Monmouth and Glamorganshire Clubmen have besieged Monmouth" ( which was then in the hands of the Royalists)
Colonel Morgan parliamentarian army joined with the Clubmen of Monmouth and the Glamorganshire Clubmen ' The Peaceable Army', numbering 3000 in all.
Map of Monmouth" Speed"

Colonel Morgan
The Clubmen were under the command of Sir Trevor Williams, brother in law to Colonel Morgan. A man of note, as in the course of the English Civil War, he was wanted for arrest by both Charles 1st and Cromwell, the latter describing him as such as follows.
"full of craft and subtlety, very bold and resolute, hath a house at Llangibby, well stored with arms and strong, his neighbours about him malignant and much for him ".
Sir Trevor Williams at the start of the Civil War was a notable Royalist Commander but later offered to deliver Monmouthshire Royalist garrisons to parliament, if giving a command some honour and trust. The declaring of to be fighting for King and Parliament was a held view during the Civil War and Sir Trevor was of this ilk. With this view in mind he was put at the head of The Clubmen. The recruiting of and the need for these Clubmen with a force consisting of 1500 foot and 200 horse under the motto of 'For King and Parliament', would have been a shrewd move. A viewed just means, in keeping the Clubmen onside .

Letter from Thomas Morgan, Mecuius Civicus. 0ct 1645
Mercurius Veridicus 18th-25th October
'Colonel Morgan with the assistance of the county clubmen came against the town with a considerable number of horse and foot; and after the enemy perceived that we had an intention to storm them, they fled out of the town into the castle, after which the townsmen, considering with themselves, that if we entered by force after summons, they should be left to the violence of the soldiers, they let fall the drawbridge, by which means our men entered the town, and the enemy stood on their guard in the castle. Then we sent for pyonners to Deane and other parts, which came in very freely, and the next day being Thursday, we began to undermine in several places, which the enemy perceiving, sent out for a parley, which was consented unto, and hostages given on both sides. At which it was agreed, the officers should march away with their own arms, and the common soldiers without.'
Image Colonel Morgan, Map Speed, "Monmouth" News Letter . Mercurius Veridicus